Academic Work Logo
Työpaikkakohtainen ID-numero: O9Q6A5
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Software Developer

We are now looking for Software Developer to our client company until the end of this year. We are expecting you to have experience in many technologies that you can read more about below. Please apply already today! You can work mostly remote in Finland.

Työpaikkakohtainen ID-numero: O9Q6A5
Company logo

Software Developer

We are now looking for Software Developer to our client company until the end of this year. We are expecting you to have experience in many technologies that you can read more about below. Please apply already today! You can work mostly remote in Finland.


As soon as possible

Full time


We are looking for

Required Experience:

At least two years of relevant work experience in the following:

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Writing tests using JUnit
  • Designing and implementing REST APIs
  • Working with version control tools such as Git or GitHub

At least one year of experience in:

  • Working with non-relational databases or storage solutions (e.g., DynamoDB, Redis, MongoDB – specify details in comments)
  • Developing new services or greenfield projects The experience has to been gained during the past five years.

Additional Requirement:

  • Fluent English skills

Our recruitment process

This recruitment process is handled by Academic Work and it is our client’s wish that all questions regarding the position is directed to Academic Work.

Our selection process is continuous and the advert may close before the recruitment process is completed if we have moved forward to the next phase.

Onko sinulla kysyttävää tästä työpaikasta?

Iina Salminen tai hänen kollegansa rekrytointitiimistä vastaa kysymyksiin osoitteessa Mainitse työpaikkakohtainen ID-numero viestissäsi: O9Q6A5

Tyhjältä näyttää.

Valitettavasti haulla ei löytynyt avoimia työpaikkoja. Voit kokeilla vielä laajemmilla hakuehdoilla, tai asettaa Duunivahdin, jolloin saat ilmoituksen uusista avoimista tehtävistä.